My life experiences.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

My 25 things before I turn 25 an update of sorts

So bottom line my blog has been slacking and I apologize to anyone who actually reads it. Anyways I made a commitment to myself and my readers that I would complete 25 tasks/goals before I turned 25. I am almost 3 months in and was thinking today that I haven't even gotten started, but then I looked back at my goals and was pretty surprised at the progress I have made in less than 3 months. I promised to keep my readers updated and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

Had to throw in a shot of the good stuff, Just about to start using it can't wait!

For the full list you can refer to my February post and read through. Here are some of the obstacles I have made at least some progress on so far...

7. Donate at least $2,000.00 to Charity-
Ok ok so I know I didn't donate $1,000.00 of my own money to charity yet, but I did raise that much for breast cancer prevention back in March and money to a good cause is just that. I'm counting it, 1 more G to go!

9. Compete in Natural Body Building contest-
Probably the task I have made the most progress on so far. I've lost 53 LBS since the last post and been in the gym and on my diet to a T. Not only that but I have been in contact with INBF competitors and judges and I am extremely excited and feel good about my chances in August 2010. Just wait, I will win it...

11. Read and understand the Bible-
Its not an easy read and much of my learning has been done at church with the pastors interpretations. I'm not saying everything he says is exactly right and how it should be interpreted but I know I didn't spend my entire life learning about the book so I will concede that he knows quite a bit more than I do. Either way making great progress and feeling much more content with life.

12. Get in the best shape of my life-
I feel absolutely amazing right now. I have made such huge strides and I know that I am locked in for good now and there is no going back. Locking in with Team Scivation has made all the difference in the world in keeping me motivated and on track. I have gone from wearing XXL's that were tight on me and 46" jeans that were snug, to 40" pants and XL shirts that have room to breathe. I feel alive and ready to conquer the world, and stubborn bodyfat of course.

13. Be able to do 25 Lat pull ups (wide Grip)-
Not gonna lie I can't even do one yet but losing over 50lbs should sure help. 35 more and I am going to be starting these.

14. Bench 315lbs-
I don't know where I am at because I haven't maxed recently. However I did throw up 225 LBS 6 times un assisted last week and can feel how much stronger I am getting. It is just a matter of time till this one is checked off.

15. Get an article I write published-
Nothing close yet, haven't been trying too hard but some doors have been opened for me and I am now interested in not only travel writing but potentially fitness writing as well. We will see how the next year plays out but I have something in the works...

16. Record my life through my blog weekly
Ok so not weekly I know but I have been doing a decent job at staying on top of this minus the past few weeks (no internet at the new house). Be assured I will be back on my blog tip.

18. Make my own CD in a studio-
I got some beats mixed for me and am working on lyrics, this shits gonna be legit seriously. I wouldn't make it at all if it wasn't. More on this soon.

19. Run a 5k-
Started running the other day after taking a 4 year break haha. I feel surprisingly good. It sounds dumb but my sprints felt very fast. I am working at getting my distance up but am adjusting to outdoor running which blows. I'd say a 5 K by August should be no problem.

So as you can see I am making progress but as they say "Quitters never win and Winners never quit" Which means I have to bust my ass and keep on keepin on.

Oh and a new short term goal lose 38 more LBS by August 15th... And it will happen!

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