My life experiences.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Freedom comes at a price, pay up.

I was thinking this morning about entrepreneurs and how they enjoy a sense of purpose and freedom that most 9-5ers' never will. Like most things that are worth having in this life, this freedom comes with a price, a toll that needs to be paid before you can get on the bridge to your passion. This toll gate doesn't take quarters or dollars, well maybe some dollars, but the main cost is your time, all of your will and every bit of passion and perseverance that is in your spirit.

This expression I'm using is many times used to describe our military service or our tax dollars spent on wars. I won't get into the tax dollars spent, but I can say as an entrepreneur, I am not going to compare myself to an American soldier. What they do, the pains they endure and the long lasting effects on the life of the things they have seen are something I can't even imagine. I have a tremendous amount of love and respect for all men and women who serve our country and protect our freedoms.

This idea has to be the same however in the mind of the entrepreneur. You have to wage your own personal war on your boredom, on your life, to build momentum forward for what you are trying to do or it will never come to be. You don't need to step on a battlefield and risk your life, no you just have to sacrifice your time in the battlefield that is business. You don't have to duck bullets and shrapnel, you have to make phone calls, set up meetings and network constantly. No sleeping in a barrack wondering if you might get bombed and die in your sleep. Just sacrificing watching Flavor of Love so you can stop wasting your life and build a foundation for something that you love.

We make things way too complicated and I am guilty of this as well. JUST GO OUT AND DO SOMETHING! It isn't easy but it sure as shit isn't as hard was being a soldier. If you are an entrepreneur you are a rare breed in this country, you have a rare make up. You are stronger than you will ever know so just go out and kill it. Work 15 hours a day, do what you have to do, stay ethical and win.

It's 3:30 am and I'm writing this blog this morning because I'm doing what I love. I love writing and interacting with people. I love showing young confused people like I was, that there is something out there for them in this treacherous economy. My goal is to inspire you and I hope something I've said here today can touch one person, can get one person off there ass and get them to stop hating what they do and start doing what they love. That's all I got for you today, God Bless.

(This blog post was also posted at, Check there for great new content updated daily)

Posted via email from Rick A Griffith's posterous

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Living Bueno! An epic announcement

Welcome everyone to Living Bueno! A lifestyle, travel and business blog containing unmatched content and stunning, video, audio and intriguing blog posts. My name is Rick Griffith and I started this blog to help those in the pursuit of happiness find exactly that. Whether it be through world travel, a start-up business venture, or just a motivational kick in the butt, my goal is to change lives and provide content seen no where else. We will provide a witty, edgy and extremely comical take on life through the eyes of a 20’s something with an undying passion to succeed. If you can relate sign up right now! We will be interviewing the best in business and providing a point of view from successful members of society, while answering questions and comments from our readers. If you want to live a better life, pursue your true calling and see the beautiful places this world has too offer before you reach 80, subscribe and enjoy! It’s time to Live Bueno!

Posted via web from Rick A Griffith's posterous

Monday, October 26, 2009

Mark Twain on addiction

Read this today and found it interesting.

Excerpt from Mark Twain's Following the equator...

The brightest passenger in the ship, and the most interesting and
felicitous talker, was a young Canadian who was not able to let the
whisky bottle alone. He was of a rich and powerful family, and could have
had a distinguished career and abundance of effective help toward it if
he could have conquered his appetite for drink; but he could not do it,
so his great equipment of talent was of no use to him. He had often taken
the pledge to drink no more, and was a good sample of what that sort of
unwisdom can do for a man--for a man with anything short of an iron will.
The system is wrong in two ways: it does not strike at the root of the
trouble, for one thing, and to make a pledge of any kind is to declare
war against nature; for a pledge is a chain that is always clanking and
reminding the wearer of it that he is not a free man.

I have said that the system does not strike at the root of the trouble,
and I venture to repeat that. The root is not the drinking, but the
desire to drink. These are very different things. The one merely
requires will--and a great deal of it, both as to bulk and staying
capacity--the other merely requires watchfulness--and for no long time.
The desire of course precedes the act, and should have one's first
attention; it can do but little good to refuse the act over and over
again, always leaving the desire unmolested, unconquered; the desire will
continue to assert itself, and will be almost sure to win in the long
run. When the desire intrudes, it should be at once banished out of the
mind. One should be on the watch for it all the time--otherwise it will
get in. It must be taken in time and not allowed to get a lodgment. A
desire constantly repulsed for a fortnight should die, then. That should
cure the drinking habit. The system of refusing the mere act of
drinking, and leaving the desire in full force, is unintelligent war
tactics, it seems to me.

Posted via email from Rick A Griffith's posterous

Saturday, October 24, 2009

How to lose 60 pounds in 3 months, 10 short Helpful tips

So I'm not going to lie, I have been hesitant to write this article for a number of reasons, but I have decided to do it anyway. It isn't that I don't want to help others out there learn some valuable tips and tricks that can help them immensely, it is that even after shedding this weight I still don't feel worthy or qualified to be giving advice. I'm still not in fitness model shape and I don't have a bulging 6 pack, however I came to the realization that what I do have is real world knowledge and have seen great success through my own trial and error. I'm writing this so that maybe I can make it a bit easier for someone else to do what I have done and get healthier and leaner.

The main purpose of this post is to tell you what not to do and what actually works. I see so many people these days following advice from people who have no idea what they are talking about. For instance, if your a 40 year old overweight woman, how is taking diet advice from a 20 year with a 6 pack really gonna help you? Chances are this person has never had to diet and has superior genetics, not to mention a much faster metabolism. I am simply trying to teach a few real world points that are timeless and will work no matter who you are. I will not quote studies or scientific research, I'm just going to tell you what really works.

I've broken them down into 10 useful tips below:

1. All the cardio in the world won't help you if you can't control your diet!
Weight loss is, like it or not, 90% diet. Exercise helps speed things up, relieve stress and build muscle, but good exercise with a bad diet produces meager results. It all starts in the kitchen, so commit whole-heartedly in this area.

2. Cut out starches and sugars!
Starches and sugars are the cause of the obesity epidemic in America. For an overwhelming amount of evidence to back this up, be sure to read Good Calories Bad Calories by Gary Taubes, a great informative guide to why this is. In short they spike insulin levels which increases fat storage, not to mention many other health issues that a diet rich in starches and sugars can lead too.

3. Good fat is your ally
Fat has gotten such a bad rep and while saturated fat is deserving of this, all fats are not created equally. Fat is a far superior energy source than carbohydrates. Foods such as Avocado, Salmon, Almonds, Peanuts and peanut butter all possess good fats that will not only provide superior energy, but help actually lower cholesterol. A diet rich in these "good" fats and low in starchy carbohydrates is key to a successful weight loss regimen.

4. Get your carbs from Fibrous green veggies
Instead of that White flour tortilla or that pita bread that you think is great for you, switch your carbohydrates to low GI carbs. Good sources include Broccoli, Spinach, Romaine lettuce, Cucumber, Asparagus and Bell peppers. These should be included at least three times a day with your meals.

5. Protein is the building block of lean muscle
You absolutely must eat large amounts of protein on any weight loss program. It is the essiential building block of muscle and is needed to maintain lean mass, which also helps burn fat. I stick to 1.5 g per pound of body weight each day even while on a fat reduction diet. An excess in protein will not hurt you, trust me.

6. Weight training is where exercise needs to start
So many people rely on cardiovascular exercise to drop weight when weight training is a far superior method. Weight training develops changes in your body that get your metabolism burning and set the wheels in motion for fat loss. Furthermore, if you have never undergone a strenuous weight training regimen, the results you can see in a short period of time can be absolutely remarkable. Weight training 4 days a week is essential, bottom line.

7. Control your calories in the evenings
Many people already know this, but in the evenings out metabolism slows and an excess in calories can lead to weight gain. I always try not to eat any meals after 8 pm and the only thing I will take in is a protein shake mixed in water. Garbage calories at night time will ruin your progress.

8. A quality protein powder is vital
While not 100% needed as you can get the protein from food, a good whey protein will make your life a whole lot easier on weight loss diet. I take it 3 times daily once in the morning with 2 scoops peanut butter, the same for a snack around 3pm and at night by itself. Optimum nutrition makes a good one, very low in sugar and fat.

9. You must eat smaller more frequent meals throughout the day.
I eat 5-6 meals a day while dieting and ranging from 300-500 calories per meal. As many of you know this keeps the metabolism burning all day and reduces fat storage from over consumption. Preparing the night before is a must. I like to cook up a ton of food for the week ahead Sunday night to help hedge against the unpredictability of my schedule.

10. Control Alcohol consumption
I know, I hate to ruin the party and I love myself a drink, but these are empty calories that are converted to sugar and stored as fat. Once a week, twice at most is the limit. This doesn't mean binge drink twice a week either, one to two drinks will suffice.

Hope this very basic guide helps! I'll be posting more information on how to put a diet like this together. Subscribe to my blog for updates and feel free to comment or message me with questions. These are very simple ideas that can make a huge difference on your weight loss regimen.

Posted via email from Rick A Griffith's posterous

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hiking Lake Serene or at least most of it...

Well it was time for another hike this morning and I thought I'd post a few pics as the scenery was gorgeous. Despite 2 mucho margaritas and me trying to sing karaoke in Spanish at Azteca the night before, I still made the trek out to the Lake Serene hike nearby Mt. Index. Running on 3 hours asleep (yes it was a good night) and feeling the effects of the dehydration brought on by the tequila the night before, I was surprisingly spry and enthused to take on the hike. While we didn't make the full trek up to Lake Serene because of the late start we got, we had a very nice hike up to Bridal Falls where we hung out and looked for an interesting rock to remember the hike by. Dad aka Kev plans on grabbing a rock on every hike we go on and eventually having a fountain with them all in it in his home, an idea I'm stealing from him as well.

All in all a great hike with some good conversation. It was nice to get outside and get some exercise before the weather turns ugly. Lets just say I'll be sleeping like a drunk baby after a steak dinner tonight.

 Until next time... Stay classy

Posted via email from rickagriffith's posterous

Friday, October 9, 2009

Time to get organized and on schedule, Self-Improvement starts now!

So in an effort to get things in my life running efficiently instead of wasting huge amounts of time like I have been, I have decided to make myself a strict schedule to follow daily. I am the type of person who really needs a solid plan to follow otherwise I am very easily distracted. Among the main goals I am trying to accomplish in the next 2 months or so are the following:

- Get in Better shape, lose 40 lbs through the new diet I'm following and workouts (more on this in another post)

- Learn to speak Spanish effectively and be at least conversational in 3 months

- Start walking at least 2 miles per day to imporve health and cardio shape.

- Start Tango dancing classes and get good!

- Start working tirelessly 9-5 each day instead of sparatically like I have been

So with that being said here is my tenitive schedule

7:00 AM Wake Up

7:15 A.M. Meditation for 15 min

7:30 A.M. Take Bill the dog for a walk 30-45 minutes

8:15 A.M. Shower, get ready for the day.

8:30 A.M. Healthy Breakfast according to diet

9:00 A.M. Work, work, work

12:00 P.M. Healthy Lunch

3:00 P.M. Healthy Snack

5:00 P.M. come home from work.

5:30 P.M. Healthy dinner

6:00 P.M. One full hour Language Learning Spanish

7:00 P.M. Clean up, get ready for the night, check e-mail, return phone calls, wite blog posts, read ect.

8:00 P.M. Workout at Golds, Tango Class on Wednesdays,

9:30 P.M. Get home, shower, begin to wind down, take Bill across the street to pee

10:00 P.M. TV time for 1 hour, also internet browsing, research, talking to girls  :) haha

11:00 P.M. Reading or Movie time in bed, Protein Powder, supplements,

11:30 - 12 P.M. Bed


So there it is, lets see how this works, I'll be starting this up and being very strict about it monday... BTW I know my spelling sucks, my bad

Posted via web from rickagriffith's posterous

Language Learning Time!!!

Oh ya that's me on the headset, why you ask?

Just got Rosetta Stone Spanish version(Latin America) and I'm pluggin' away at it. I am planning a trip to Buenos Aires in the semi-near future so it's time to get serious about language learning. So far I have seemed to retain a surprising amount of information from my two years of Spanish in high school where my grades in the course fluctuated from a c- to d+. Guess I proved Ms. Smith wrong afterall seeing as I am not actually retarded. Anyways, I'll be posting my progress, hell maybe even an all Spanish post sometime soon, who knows.

Until then,


Posted via email from rickagriffith's posterous

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Just remembered to post these pics from our hike about 2 weeks ago. It was a beautiful early autumn day that made for great hike. I snapped a few shots of us as well as a few images that stuck in my head along the way. You can tell it was september as the falls were trickling down and not flowing majestically like you might see in the late spring/early summer. All in all it was a real fun hike and a great way to spend what would have been an otherwise lazy sunday. Although I'm a football fan, I'll take this over watching the Sea Chickens lose :).

Posted via email from rickagriffith's posterous

Hiking Wallace Falls with Kev Costner


Just remembered to post these pics from our hike about 2 weeks ago. It was a beautiful early autumn day that made for great hike. I snapped a few shots of us as well as a few images that stuck in my head along the way. You can tell it was september as the falls were trickling down and not flowing majestically like you might see in the late spring/early summer. All in all it was a real fun hike and a great way to spend what would have been an otherwise lazy sunday. Although I'm a football fan, I'll take this over watching the Sea Chickens lose :).

Posted via web from rickagriffith's posterous