My life experiences.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


The real art thief in Europe, isn't Danny Ocean

Oceans 12, I have to say is my favorite movie of all time. The follow up to the box office hit Oceans 11, boasts an intriguing plot that sets a competition between master thieves in amazing picturesque areas of Europe. I watched it again the other night and got to thinking if something like this we’re really possible.
 By the way I really want this house

  After digging a bit deeper, I was fascinated to find out that this wasn’t just something dreamt up in Hollywood. Through the miracle that is Wikipedia I gathered the following information on Master Art Thief Stephane Breitwieser.
Source- (
 François Toulour ain't got nothin on this guy
Stéphane Breitwieser (born 1971) is a French art thief who admitted to stealing 239 artworks and other exhibits, worth an estimated US$1.4 billion (£960m), from 172 museums while travelling around Europe and working as a waiter, an average of one theft every 15 days.[1] The Guardian called him "arguably the world's most consistent art thief."[2]
That is pretty crazy, 1.4 Billion dollars of art and never attempted to sell any of it. Oh and…

  In November 2001, he was finally caught after stealing a bugle dating from 1584, one of only three like it in the world and with an estimated value of £45,000, from the Richard Wagner Museum in Lucerne, Switzerland.[5] A security guard spotted Breitwieser before he escaped. However, he returned to the museum two days later. That day, a journalist, Erich Eisner, was walking his dog on the museum grounds when he noticed a man who seemed out of place in a nice overcoat, surveying the museum. Aware of the recent theft, Eisner alerted the main guard, who happened to be the same guard who had seen Breitwieser at the heist and alerted the authorities, who arrested Breitwieser.[2][4] Lucerne police awarded Eisner's dog a lifetime supply of food in appreciation.[4] Breitwieser spent two years in prison in Switzerland before being extradited to France. However, it took Swiss authorities 19 days to acquire the international search warrant necessary to search Breitwieser's mother's house.[2][4] They found nothing, and Breitwiser did not confess until a few months later, giving authorities a detailed account of the works he had stolen.

  Oh ok well he finally got caught, I guess it wasn’t worth it right?

  On January 7, 2005 he was sentenced to three years by a court in Strasbourg but only served 26 months.
Wait, so 239 thefts of high worth items, the equivalent of stealing $1.4 billion and 26 months in prison. I’m thinking the risk reward might be worth it for a thief.

  Lets think about this…
What if he had just successfully stolen one painting for instance,
The most valuable work of art he stole was Sybille, Princess of Cleves by Lucas Cranach the Elder from a castle in Baden-Baden in 1995. Its estimated value at auction would be £5-£5.6 million.[3] He cut it from its frame at a Sotheby's auction where it was to be sold.[4]
If he had just stolen this one and sold it, we’ll assume a conservative black market value of 25%, he’d still be sitting pretty with $1.25 million Euro.
 So just looking at the risk reward model and throwing morals aside, 1.25 million Euro or 26 months in jail doesn’t seem like too bad of a trade off. Especially considering that I hear they get dental care in jail and free rent, two things I currently pay for.
 I’m not saying I should stop what I’m doing to go steal things believe me, but I was very surprised to see that these types of things really do happen and aren’t just the result of creative thinkers in Hollywood.

 1.4 Billion dollars (said it like Dr. Evil) hmmm, it might be worth the risk of finding new male companionship in prison. J

The again maybe not...

Posted via email from Rick A Griffith's posterous

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Interview with Author Maya Frost

Just a quick update, I recently interviewed author of "The New Global Student", Maya Frost. We covered a variety of topics from Travel and Living Abroad to how she did this on a budget with four daughters. Really good stuff, check it out here... Interview with Maya

Posted via web from Rick A Griffith's posterous

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Freedom comes at a price, pay up.

I was thinking this morning about entrepreneurs and how they enjoy a sense of purpose and freedom that most 9-5ers' never will. Like most things that are worth having in this life, this freedom comes with a price, a toll that needs to be paid before you can get on the bridge to your passion. This toll gate doesn't take quarters or dollars, well maybe some dollars, but the main cost is your time, all of your will and every bit of passion and perseverance that is in your spirit.

This expression I'm using is many times used to describe our military service or our tax dollars spent on wars. I won't get into the tax dollars spent, but I can say as an entrepreneur, I am not going to compare myself to an American soldier. What they do, the pains they endure and the long lasting effects on the life of the things they have seen are something I can't even imagine. I have a tremendous amount of love and respect for all men and women who serve our country and protect our freedoms.

This idea has to be the same however in the mind of the entrepreneur. You have to wage your own personal war on your boredom, on your life, to build momentum forward for what you are trying to do or it will never come to be. You don't need to step on a battlefield and risk your life, no you just have to sacrifice your time in the battlefield that is business. You don't have to duck bullets and shrapnel, you have to make phone calls, set up meetings and network constantly. No sleeping in a barrack wondering if you might get bombed and die in your sleep. Just sacrificing watching Flavor of Love so you can stop wasting your life and build a foundation for something that you love.

We make things way too complicated and I am guilty of this as well. JUST GO OUT AND DO SOMETHING! It isn't easy but it sure as shit isn't as hard was being a soldier. If you are an entrepreneur you are a rare breed in this country, you have a rare make up. You are stronger than you will ever know so just go out and kill it. Work 15 hours a day, do what you have to do, stay ethical and win.

It's 3:30 am and I'm writing this blog this morning because I'm doing what I love. I love writing and interacting with people. I love showing young confused people like I was, that there is something out there for them in this treacherous economy. My goal is to inspire you and I hope something I've said here today can touch one person, can get one person off there ass and get them to stop hating what they do and start doing what they love. That's all I got for you today, God Bless.

(This blog post was also posted at, Check there for great new content updated daily)

Posted via email from Rick A Griffith's posterous

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Living Bueno! An epic announcement

Welcome everyone to Living Bueno! A lifestyle, travel and business blog containing unmatched content and stunning, video, audio and intriguing blog posts. My name is Rick Griffith and I started this blog to help those in the pursuit of happiness find exactly that. Whether it be through world travel, a start-up business venture, or just a motivational kick in the butt, my goal is to change lives and provide content seen no where else. We will provide a witty, edgy and extremely comical take on life through the eyes of a 20’s something with an undying passion to succeed. If you can relate sign up right now! We will be interviewing the best in business and providing a point of view from successful members of society, while answering questions and comments from our readers. If you want to live a better life, pursue your true calling and see the beautiful places this world has too offer before you reach 80, subscribe and enjoy! It’s time to Live Bueno!

Posted via web from Rick A Griffith's posterous

Monday, October 26, 2009

Mark Twain on addiction

Read this today and found it interesting.

Excerpt from Mark Twain's Following the equator...

The brightest passenger in the ship, and the most interesting and
felicitous talker, was a young Canadian who was not able to let the
whisky bottle alone. He was of a rich and powerful family, and could have
had a distinguished career and abundance of effective help toward it if
he could have conquered his appetite for drink; but he could not do it,
so his great equipment of talent was of no use to him. He had often taken
the pledge to drink no more, and was a good sample of what that sort of
unwisdom can do for a man--for a man with anything short of an iron will.
The system is wrong in two ways: it does not strike at the root of the
trouble, for one thing, and to make a pledge of any kind is to declare
war against nature; for a pledge is a chain that is always clanking and
reminding the wearer of it that he is not a free man.

I have said that the system does not strike at the root of the trouble,
and I venture to repeat that. The root is not the drinking, but the
desire to drink. These are very different things. The one merely
requires will--and a great deal of it, both as to bulk and staying
capacity--the other merely requires watchfulness--and for no long time.
The desire of course precedes the act, and should have one's first
attention; it can do but little good to refuse the act over and over
again, always leaving the desire unmolested, unconquered; the desire will
continue to assert itself, and will be almost sure to win in the long
run. When the desire intrudes, it should be at once banished out of the
mind. One should be on the watch for it all the time--otherwise it will
get in. It must be taken in time and not allowed to get a lodgment. A
desire constantly repulsed for a fortnight should die, then. That should
cure the drinking habit. The system of refusing the mere act of
drinking, and leaving the desire in full force, is unintelligent war
tactics, it seems to me.

Posted via email from Rick A Griffith's posterous

Saturday, October 24, 2009

How to lose 60 pounds in 3 months, 10 short Helpful tips

So I'm not going to lie, I have been hesitant to write this article for a number of reasons, but I have decided to do it anyway. It isn't that I don't want to help others out there learn some valuable tips and tricks that can help them immensely, it is that even after shedding this weight I still don't feel worthy or qualified to be giving advice. I'm still not in fitness model shape and I don't have a bulging 6 pack, however I came to the realization that what I do have is real world knowledge and have seen great success through my own trial and error. I'm writing this so that maybe I can make it a bit easier for someone else to do what I have done and get healthier and leaner.

The main purpose of this post is to tell you what not to do and what actually works. I see so many people these days following advice from people who have no idea what they are talking about. For instance, if your a 40 year old overweight woman, how is taking diet advice from a 20 year with a 6 pack really gonna help you? Chances are this person has never had to diet and has superior genetics, not to mention a much faster metabolism. I am simply trying to teach a few real world points that are timeless and will work no matter who you are. I will not quote studies or scientific research, I'm just going to tell you what really works.

I've broken them down into 10 useful tips below:

1. All the cardio in the world won't help you if you can't control your diet!
Weight loss is, like it or not, 90% diet. Exercise helps speed things up, relieve stress and build muscle, but good exercise with a bad diet produces meager results. It all starts in the kitchen, so commit whole-heartedly in this area.

2. Cut out starches and sugars!
Starches and sugars are the cause of the obesity epidemic in America. For an overwhelming amount of evidence to back this up, be sure to read Good Calories Bad Calories by Gary Taubes, a great informative guide to why this is. In short they spike insulin levels which increases fat storage, not to mention many other health issues that a diet rich in starches and sugars can lead too.

3. Good fat is your ally
Fat has gotten such a bad rep and while saturated fat is deserving of this, all fats are not created equally. Fat is a far superior energy source than carbohydrates. Foods such as Avocado, Salmon, Almonds, Peanuts and peanut butter all possess good fats that will not only provide superior energy, but help actually lower cholesterol. A diet rich in these "good" fats and low in starchy carbohydrates is key to a successful weight loss regimen.

4. Get your carbs from Fibrous green veggies
Instead of that White flour tortilla or that pita bread that you think is great for you, switch your carbohydrates to low GI carbs. Good sources include Broccoli, Spinach, Romaine lettuce, Cucumber, Asparagus and Bell peppers. These should be included at least three times a day with your meals.

5. Protein is the building block of lean muscle
You absolutely must eat large amounts of protein on any weight loss program. It is the essiential building block of muscle and is needed to maintain lean mass, which also helps burn fat. I stick to 1.5 g per pound of body weight each day even while on a fat reduction diet. An excess in protein will not hurt you, trust me.

6. Weight training is where exercise needs to start
So many people rely on cardiovascular exercise to drop weight when weight training is a far superior method. Weight training develops changes in your body that get your metabolism burning and set the wheels in motion for fat loss. Furthermore, if you have never undergone a strenuous weight training regimen, the results you can see in a short period of time can be absolutely remarkable. Weight training 4 days a week is essential, bottom line.

7. Control your calories in the evenings
Many people already know this, but in the evenings out metabolism slows and an excess in calories can lead to weight gain. I always try not to eat any meals after 8 pm and the only thing I will take in is a protein shake mixed in water. Garbage calories at night time will ruin your progress.

8. A quality protein powder is vital
While not 100% needed as you can get the protein from food, a good whey protein will make your life a whole lot easier on weight loss diet. I take it 3 times daily once in the morning with 2 scoops peanut butter, the same for a snack around 3pm and at night by itself. Optimum nutrition makes a good one, very low in sugar and fat.

9. You must eat smaller more frequent meals throughout the day.
I eat 5-6 meals a day while dieting and ranging from 300-500 calories per meal. As many of you know this keeps the metabolism burning all day and reduces fat storage from over consumption. Preparing the night before is a must. I like to cook up a ton of food for the week ahead Sunday night to help hedge against the unpredictability of my schedule.

10. Control Alcohol consumption
I know, I hate to ruin the party and I love myself a drink, but these are empty calories that are converted to sugar and stored as fat. Once a week, twice at most is the limit. This doesn't mean binge drink twice a week either, one to two drinks will suffice.

Hope this very basic guide helps! I'll be posting more information on how to put a diet like this together. Subscribe to my blog for updates and feel free to comment or message me with questions. These are very simple ideas that can make a huge difference on your weight loss regimen.

Posted via email from Rick A Griffith's posterous

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hiking Lake Serene or at least most of it...

Well it was time for another hike this morning and I thought I'd post a few pics as the scenery was gorgeous. Despite 2 mucho margaritas and me trying to sing karaoke in Spanish at Azteca the night before, I still made the trek out to the Lake Serene hike nearby Mt. Index. Running on 3 hours asleep (yes it was a good night) and feeling the effects of the dehydration brought on by the tequila the night before, I was surprisingly spry and enthused to take on the hike. While we didn't make the full trek up to Lake Serene because of the late start we got, we had a very nice hike up to Bridal Falls where we hung out and looked for an interesting rock to remember the hike by. Dad aka Kev plans on grabbing a rock on every hike we go on and eventually having a fountain with them all in it in his home, an idea I'm stealing from him as well.

All in all a great hike with some good conversation. It was nice to get outside and get some exercise before the weather turns ugly. Lets just say I'll be sleeping like a drunk baby after a steak dinner tonight.

 Until next time... Stay classy

Posted via email from rickagriffith's posterous

Friday, October 9, 2009

Time to get organized and on schedule, Self-Improvement starts now!

So in an effort to get things in my life running efficiently instead of wasting huge amounts of time like I have been, I have decided to make myself a strict schedule to follow daily. I am the type of person who really needs a solid plan to follow otherwise I am very easily distracted. Among the main goals I am trying to accomplish in the next 2 months or so are the following:

- Get in Better shape, lose 40 lbs through the new diet I'm following and workouts (more on this in another post)

- Learn to speak Spanish effectively and be at least conversational in 3 months

- Start walking at least 2 miles per day to imporve health and cardio shape.

- Start Tango dancing classes and get good!

- Start working tirelessly 9-5 each day instead of sparatically like I have been

So with that being said here is my tenitive schedule

7:00 AM Wake Up

7:15 A.M. Meditation for 15 min

7:30 A.M. Take Bill the dog for a walk 30-45 minutes

8:15 A.M. Shower, get ready for the day.

8:30 A.M. Healthy Breakfast according to diet

9:00 A.M. Work, work, work

12:00 P.M. Healthy Lunch

3:00 P.M. Healthy Snack

5:00 P.M. come home from work.

5:30 P.M. Healthy dinner

6:00 P.M. One full hour Language Learning Spanish

7:00 P.M. Clean up, get ready for the night, check e-mail, return phone calls, wite blog posts, read ect.

8:00 P.M. Workout at Golds, Tango Class on Wednesdays,

9:30 P.M. Get home, shower, begin to wind down, take Bill across the street to pee

10:00 P.M. TV time for 1 hour, also internet browsing, research, talking to girls  :) haha

11:00 P.M. Reading or Movie time in bed, Protein Powder, supplements,

11:30 - 12 P.M. Bed


So there it is, lets see how this works, I'll be starting this up and being very strict about it monday... BTW I know my spelling sucks, my bad

Posted via web from rickagriffith's posterous

Language Learning Time!!!

Oh ya that's me on the headset, why you ask?

Just got Rosetta Stone Spanish version(Latin America) and I'm pluggin' away at it. I am planning a trip to Buenos Aires in the semi-near future so it's time to get serious about language learning. So far I have seemed to retain a surprising amount of information from my two years of Spanish in high school where my grades in the course fluctuated from a c- to d+. Guess I proved Ms. Smith wrong afterall seeing as I am not actually retarded. Anyways, I'll be posting my progress, hell maybe even an all Spanish post sometime soon, who knows.

Until then,


Posted via email from rickagriffith's posterous

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Just remembered to post these pics from our hike about 2 weeks ago. It was a beautiful early autumn day that made for great hike. I snapped a few shots of us as well as a few images that stuck in my head along the way. You can tell it was september as the falls were trickling down and not flowing majestically like you might see in the late spring/early summer. All in all it was a real fun hike and a great way to spend what would have been an otherwise lazy sunday. Although I'm a football fan, I'll take this over watching the Sea Chickens lose :).

Posted via email from rickagriffith's posterous

Hiking Wallace Falls with Kev Costner


Just remembered to post these pics from our hike about 2 weeks ago. It was a beautiful early autumn day that made for great hike. I snapped a few shots of us as well as a few images that stuck in my head along the way. You can tell it was september as the falls were trickling down and not flowing majestically like you might see in the late spring/early summer. All in all it was a real fun hike and a great way to spend what would have been an otherwise lazy sunday. Although I'm a football fan, I'll take this over watching the Sea Chickens lose :).

Posted via web from rickagriffith's posterous

Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Thoughts on the battle of Good vs Evil

Fork in the road, Get it? lol

“The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.” Max Lerner

I came across this quote today and found truth in it. I thought I'd elaborate a bit and put it into context.

Life can be a very challenging battle and with today's modern culture staying true to one's core beliefs can seem nearly impossible. I recently read "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz and found some very sound advice particularly for someone who might be struggling with this issue.

Now dissecting the above quote it says "The turning point", spiritual awareness, awakening, or whatever you want to call it, is the time in ones life where you "discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.”. Meaning this is a time when you make a decision to follow what you truly believe in.

"The Four Agreements" is a nice simple guide that identifies this ongoing struggle and provides steps that will help one endure it and come out better for the wear.

Ruiz provides the following four principals and states their applicability to your life and a description of their power.

The principals are as follows:

1. Be Impeccable With Your Word

2. Don't Take Anything Personally

3. Don't Make Assumptions

4. Always Do Your Best

While these basic ideas seem simple I recommend reading the book as Ruiz states in a very straight forward manner why these ideas can help transform the way you think in a positive way. He helps us un-brainwash us from the everyday culture we have grown accustomed too and challenges us to think about why we behave to way we do.

The last agreement "Always do you best" is something that I found particularly frightening. I have a tendency to quit early, not finish what I start and do just enough to get by way too often(sound familiar). I have been trying to apply this principal to my life for only 3 to 4 days now and already feel happier, more complete and have a much stronger sense of self worth because I know that my best effort is being put forth.

So I guess what I am trying to say and why this quote I came across rang so true is that I am at a turning point. In church today, the preacher brought up the fact that when a recession hits and you lose things of value, your car, house, job maybe even your spouse, you have two options. You can lie and cheat because you feel you have been cheated. Or you can be who you are at your core and be honorable, work hard, fight through the pain and claw your way back doing things the right way.

I am at a turning point in my process of growing up and I am discovering my true strength that has survived what felt like endless pain. I am discovering that through God, always doing my best and pulling together the strength and fire that burns within, I will prevail.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Finding myself, living life without borders.

"So much beauty in life ,Shining on the outside, Empty on the inside"
Ryan Cabrera - Take it all away

"Aren't you just sick of this shit? I mean I am and I haven't been here nearly as long as you." I asked. "I know it's just dead, I feel like all I do is waste time here" She said and then sighed.

It had been a long road for my mom, she had 22 brand new beautiful town homes that were priced very cheap. Unfortunately the real estate market despite a brief surge when interest rates dropped, was becoming stagnate again. I felt sorry for her, as it was going on a year now that she had been at the site on a daily basis. Beside the fact that this was a full time job itself she had also been running a printing company and another town home site as well. It was more than one person can handle, except for her who had a work ethic that could not be matched.

I guess that was what made me different than most the people I know these days. It had been this way for a long time with her as she had been working long hours for the last 20 years likely longer but that was before my time so I cannot attest to it. I guess the life I had seen her live, constantly pleasing other people and sacrificing her time made me resent hard work.

Now I don't have a problem working hard and when I am at work I try to perform my very best. But seeing someone so close to you go above and beyond on seemingly everything and seeing no real rewards from it made me re-evaluate things. It seemed the more she did the more people expected from her until she literally just did not have the hours in the day to fulfill the obligations that had been created.

I'm telling you this to explain why I feel the way I do today and why something that has been lurking in the back of my mind an idea that I have coveted and thought of day and night for nearly 8 months will be coming to fruition in the coming months. I've always believed in the idea that god would help guide me and show me the path that I was destined to follow in life. I looked for signs and took opportunities that came my way to try and figure out just what the hell I'm doing here on this planet. Well, I received a sign, I know what I am destined for, and now it has to happen.

The Turning Point

God didn't come down and whisper in my ear and I didn't run into some prophet who told me what I needed to do. Things in the real world happen more intuitively than what we see in Hollywood movies. I believe that most things worth doing aren't easy or practical. I also believe that the series of events that put my wheels in motion weren't just a coincidence.

I remember it like it was yesterday. One sad woman's face with a big piece of cardboard that read lost in life. I was at church, one of the many things I made a vow to start doing again, and our preacher Nate was showing a video. In it one sad person after another holding up a cardboard sign stating what they felt like inside, For example, Depressed, lonely, I don't fit in. The point of the video was that they would inevitably find strength in God and the Church and flip over a new happier card.

It looks like this big guy is depressed about his routine as well.

However I think back to that video often and wonder what my card would read. I found myself associating with the first group of cards. Granted this was in one of the hardest stretches of my life I'd seen, I remembered that even when my personal and financial life was going well, there was still a longing for something more.

The List

I don't know what it was that made me write the list, maybe getting older and thinking about all that I had wanted to accomplish. Maybe it was the fact that so many things in my life that had seemed so certain had recently changed. Whatever it was, it was something that may have changed my life forever. They say that writing down you goals increases the probability of them happening and I would have to agree. Since I made my "25 things to do before I turn 25" list on this blog, I have felt like my life now has a plan and a purpose. At the time it may have just been to get me through to the next day and take my mind off my struggles. However it is now becoming a guide for me and helping me see that I had been following other peoples plans and not my own.

In a sense I had been pleasing everyone else's wishes just like my mother had her whole life. The list became a way to escape and do things that I wanted to do. A chance to make my own rules and forge my own path. That longing had existed inside of me since the day I was born. A longing for adventure and travel into the unknown. The time to realize my path and take charge is now and that is what I am going to do.

Livin' La Vida Loca

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain

Airfare came in at $781.00 the lowest I'd seen ever. A room to rent in a nice part of the city? From $190 PER MONTH! Gotta love that exchange rate. It was on and I knew it. Number 21 on my list of things to accomplish in the next 2 years was to take a mini retirement to Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is something I've thought about for a long time yet one of the least likely things that I was attempting to do. However today, I made the decision that I am leaving for Buenos Aires in October. How I'll save enough money, how I'll work everything out? I don't know. But I will make it happen.

I couldn't think of a better time to leave then now. I feel lost at home, the pain of a hard break up and some tough times still fresh in my mind. I'm seeking happiness and knowing that there is something missing in my life. Fighting my own mind with what my next step should be. And more than anything else, I have a longing for the road.

Am I running away from my problems? I don't know, I wouldn't say that. While most people think that I just want to run away and I will find new problems to replace old ones when I arrive, that is not what I even am thinking about. I want to see a new place, a new country and a new culture. I want to reinvent myself and make new friends around the world. I have an itch to leave this damn city and until I scratch it I know that I cannot truly be happy. Call it fate, a mistake, call it a immature kid running from his issues, or call it a trip of a lifetime. I don't care what anyone else thinks my motives are. My motive in my mind is clear. To find happiness in a beautiful city where my money goes further, I can stay out later and I can meet some beautiful Argentine girls. I think I'm going to enjoy my new problems!

I see myself becoming a huge soccer fan, not sure why...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

My 25 things before I turn 25 an update of sorts

So bottom line my blog has been slacking and I apologize to anyone who actually reads it. Anyways I made a commitment to myself and my readers that I would complete 25 tasks/goals before I turned 25. I am almost 3 months in and was thinking today that I haven't even gotten started, but then I looked back at my goals and was pretty surprised at the progress I have made in less than 3 months. I promised to keep my readers updated and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

Had to throw in a shot of the good stuff, Just about to start using it can't wait!

For the full list you can refer to my February post and read through. Here are some of the obstacles I have made at least some progress on so far...

7. Donate at least $2,000.00 to Charity-
Ok ok so I know I didn't donate $1,000.00 of my own money to charity yet, but I did raise that much for breast cancer prevention back in March and money to a good cause is just that. I'm counting it, 1 more G to go!

9. Compete in Natural Body Building contest-
Probably the task I have made the most progress on so far. I've lost 53 LBS since the last post and been in the gym and on my diet to a T. Not only that but I have been in contact with INBF competitors and judges and I am extremely excited and feel good about my chances in August 2010. Just wait, I will win it...

11. Read and understand the Bible-
Its not an easy read and much of my learning has been done at church with the pastors interpretations. I'm not saying everything he says is exactly right and how it should be interpreted but I know I didn't spend my entire life learning about the book so I will concede that he knows quite a bit more than I do. Either way making great progress and feeling much more content with life.

12. Get in the best shape of my life-
I feel absolutely amazing right now. I have made such huge strides and I know that I am locked in for good now and there is no going back. Locking in with Team Scivation has made all the difference in the world in keeping me motivated and on track. I have gone from wearing XXL's that were tight on me and 46" jeans that were snug, to 40" pants and XL shirts that have room to breathe. I feel alive and ready to conquer the world, and stubborn bodyfat of course.

13. Be able to do 25 Lat pull ups (wide Grip)-
Not gonna lie I can't even do one yet but losing over 50lbs should sure help. 35 more and I am going to be starting these.

14. Bench 315lbs-
I don't know where I am at because I haven't maxed recently. However I did throw up 225 LBS 6 times un assisted last week and can feel how much stronger I am getting. It is just a matter of time till this one is checked off.

15. Get an article I write published-
Nothing close yet, haven't been trying too hard but some doors have been opened for me and I am now interested in not only travel writing but potentially fitness writing as well. We will see how the next year plays out but I have something in the works...

16. Record my life through my blog weekly
Ok so not weekly I know but I have been doing a decent job at staying on top of this minus the past few weeks (no internet at the new house). Be assured I will be back on my blog tip.

18. Make my own CD in a studio-
I got some beats mixed for me and am working on lyrics, this shits gonna be legit seriously. I wouldn't make it at all if it wasn't. More on this soon.

19. Run a 5k-
Started running the other day after taking a 4 year break haha. I feel surprisingly good. It sounds dumb but my sprints felt very fast. I am working at getting my distance up but am adjusting to outdoor running which blows. I'd say a 5 K by August should be no problem.

So as you can see I am making progress but as they say "Quitters never win and Winners never quit" Which means I have to bust my ass and keep on keepin on.

Oh and a new short term goal lose 38 more LBS by August 15th... And it will happen!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Turning new page, my road to redemption.

This article is also being posted on my workout/diet log on in the forums. Username is RickAGriffith, so look me up if interested in future updates.

So I am starting my journey with Team Scivation's diet and workout program today and I am very excited. To say the last few years of my life have been tough is an understatement and it is time for me to take charge of my life and get back to having a great physique.

To let you know a bit about me and my story I'll give a brief timeline of the past few years. I could write about 40 pages describing this but in the intrest of saving time lets make it quick.

Growing up I was always overweight. I went on weight watchers countless times and tried everything I could before I was even 12 years old. Finally in my junior year of high school I started to Body for Life program, which worked very well for me. I went from 245 lbs, to 180 lbs in less that 5 months. I said right then that I would never let myself gain the weight back again, and I didn't for quite a while.

looking good in my senior pics...

I always struggled with acne in high school on my face back and chest and made the decision to go on Accutane (which I don't recommend to anyone). The doctor made me stop lifting weight, which I was now addicted too, and started me on the medication. My prom night was about 1 month into when I had been taking the medication and I ended up having to leave the prom to go home and eventually to the walk-in clinic.

My face had swollen up very big and I had no idea what was going on. I felt like I had been robbed of the senior prom I had worked so hard and lost tons of weight too look good at. I ended up spending 2 days in the hospital before being released after they were sure it wasn't mrsa.

My body started reacting very bad to the accutane and my entire back got tons of acne. I would bleed through any shirt I would wear and I would wake up each morning pulling my bed sheets out of what now looked like open wounds on my back(very painful to say the least). I missed most of the days of school the rest of the year and a severe depression was setting in.

The Accutane eventually stopped any acne from showing up anywhere. While it had done it's job, the severe reaction on my back left permanent scarring all over. I would end up gaining over 50 lbs by the time I finished my dosage. Feeling very ashamed and depressed I would gain over 150 lbs in less than 3 years. Mixed with some very toxic relationships I let other things in my life go to waste as well. My once successful Real Estate business went down with the market and I was in a bad place.

Me currently 45lbs down from my highest weight.

After getting cheated on twice by the girl I lived with and planned on marrying I ended the relationship and decided it was time to get back on my feet. Over the past two months I have lost 45 lbs and have made a commitment to myself that I will never be defeated again.

I have joined Team Scivation for the support and knowledge that I need to get through the tough times. I am started the CHA diet along with the workout I was sent and will be updating my progress and posting results frequently.

I'm not writing this because I want pity or people to feel sorry, just because I want them to know that I am on a mission to change things for the better. Not to judge me from the past, but from what I am going to achieve in the future...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Exciting News and some Progress Pictures to come soon!

scivation Pictures, Images and Photos
Mark and Derek the founders of Team Scivation doing a little flex down.

So I have been slacking a bit on my blog game and thought it was time to step it up a notch. Then again you can't really blame me after the workouts I've put myself through this week on a low carb diet. It's amazing I haven't passed out or thrown up in the gym yet, Although I almost threw up Wednesday actually.

So for the news, I've joined Team Scivation and will be receiving diet, workout and contest prep instructions from some of the very best in the game today. I have been reading some of the books that I now have access too and I am extremely excited to get this started as the information is extremely pertinent and valuable. I am hoping that this will propel and motivate me to keep heading in the right direction and eventually win my competition next year.

Gary just doing his thing

I finished my first full week of workouts for German Volume training along with my good friend G Spot Rogers, or Gary as you may know him. This kicked our asses pretty good this week and was a nice change in intensity from the old routine. I look forward to hitting it even harder next week.

I can see a huge change in my body composition and the way my clothes are fitting already. I was flexing in the mirror last night (don't lie guys we all do it) and notice how good my arms and shoulders are looking. My back width is now more visible and not covered with a fat layer and it looks like my lats are still pretty huge. All in all it is awesome to see yourself changing day by day for the better.

I will include progress pics in my next post...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

7 months to a new me part 2- An update

Im just gonna throw in some pics of the beautiful places I want to go in South America.

Well it's been a month since my 7 months to a new me post which means two things, I'm 1/7 of the way there and it must be time for an update on my progress.

Punta del este

I had set out some specific goals and now it is time to let you know that I'm not just talking a big game but following through as well. I also need to update some of these goals to relate to changes in plans.

Last month I set the following goals:

1. Lose 90 lbs and get into excellent shape.
2. Complete a 5 k Run with a respectable time.
3. Build my website to a $2,000.00 a month profit margin
4. Study the Bible, go to church every Sunday and learn about my religion.
5. Learn to speak Spanish fluently, or enough to hold conversations.
6. Make 1 lifelong friend.
7. Donate or raise $500.00 for charity

So here we go...

1. Lose 90 lbs and get in excellent shape. Did really great on losing weight this month, losing 31 lbs of the 91 I need to lose which puts me way ahead of schedule. Unfortunatly I caught a prett bad cold which killed my workouts over the last week and caused me to gain about 3 lbs. No big deal though I'm gettin back in the gym monday and hitting it hard. I'm perfecting my diet currently and finding new ways to shock my system into losing bodyfat quickly while maintaining muscle mass. Veggies are basically my magic diet pill, when I eat them I lose weight, period.

2. Complete a 5k run in a respectable time. Losing the weight helped in my quest to do this as I am getting closer to being able to run long distances without too much pressure on my joints. I have been doing 30-45 minute cardio sessions to start training to run outside. By the start of may I will be starting to run at the track.

3. Build my website to a $2,000.00 a month profit margin. This one needs some modification. Due to the fact that the website I have is discontinuing the store feature and charging way too much for it and the fact that all my suppliers are horrible except for one I may have to put the site on hold. It is a great idea and can be profitable, but I simply don't have the extra cash to sink into it right now. I'm finding alternate income sources currently and will come back to this when I can make it work.

4. Study the Bible and go to church. This has been my best month of my life as far as learning about religion and going to church every week, if not twice a week. It was just in time too as I really needed it. This and my weight loss goal are definetly the most successful so far.

5. Learn to speak Spanish. Well haven't started this yet, however I got the Rosetta Stone spanish version burned for me (props to Apodoggy) so that is a big step in the right direction. Plus the fact that I'm going to have to postpone my argentina trip temporarily will give me some more time to complete this. I am thinking 5 to six months to become convesational.

6. Make a life long friend. No one yet, haha kind of remind me of the movie I love you man whic was awesome. Hopefully I wont meet a guy who is actually gay and tries to make out with me like the movie haha. I have not made any real good new friends however I have repaired friendships that were not on the best terms and I can say that I am close as ever with my mom who has always been the one person I can count on. Things are starting to turn around for me and I look forward to hopefully finding some new positive minded people to hang out with.

7. Raise or donate $500.00 for charity. I raised over $900.00 at a breast cancer call center so I consider this done, especially since I didn't get paid for it like I was supposed too.

All in all march was one hell of a rollercoaster ride for me to say the very least. Lots of ups but a whole lot of downs too. I am very optimistic about what april is going to bring. I found my tattoo that I've been looking for for 4 years and I will be getting it as soon as I lose 40 more lbs. More updates to come...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Breaking down the Wall, A fight to remember

8...9...10 ahhhhh, I grunted and dropped the 60lb dumbbell beside me on the floor. I just paused there for a second, bent over on the bench with sweat pouring off my head and splashing down in the floor. My breaths were deep and fast and I was exhausted from the intense workout I had just completed. Now upright and sitting on the bench I thought to myself, this is it, I have broken down the wall that has stopped me so many times before and I am now in control. The past month I have battled like I never had before in my life and now it is over. I am the winner, and I am again in control of my body and let me tell you its feels great.

A month earlier I stared up at the ceiling as the light reflected off the Puget sound and through my blinds that were open. It was 1:00 p.m. and I had been laying like this for over 2 hours. In that one fateful moment I had realized that my life was circling the drain.

The dream condo I had once bought with my lovely girlfriend was 2 months from foreclosure. The lovely girlfriend? she was gone too. The six figure bank account was now 2 digits oh and my income from real estate was non existent as well. The Excrement had hit the fan to say the least and to say I was down and out would be an understatement. At my heaviest weight of my life I was also in the most depressing part of my life. 331 lbs was what the scale read and I was shocked and embarrassed.

Sometimes you need a wake up call to pull you out of a rut that you are in. This was more than a wake up call, it was more like waking up to one of your frat buddies pouring ice cold water on your special place. As I layed there paralyzed by fear, resentment and anger I knew there were two options and two paths I could take. Give up and let go, or battle like hell back to the top. Luckily I choose the later.

This morning I stripped down took a few deep breaths and hopped on the scale for the moment of truth. I knew it's be close, maybe tomorrow I thought. 3 seconds later and unfamiliar number popped up starting with a 2. That 2 was all I needed to see, I let out a loud extravagant grunt, batted my chest and threw a fist pump of Tiger-Like proportions. I had lost 32 lbs and more importantly broke the 300 lb barrier that had been haunting me for over 2 years.

While this is only the start of my journey, this is what keeps me going. I seem to be finding "new-old" outfits everyday from my lighter days and this keeps me excited to keep hitting the gym on a daily basis. In celebration of this feat I'm taking a 2 day break and recuperation, even eating a little bad before getting back on the wagon so I can keep my sanity. I'm not there yet, but I know now that I will be. 299.7 lbs and its falling everyday. While the rest of my life is a work in progress I can tell it is all turning around. Bittersweet from anyone else's prospective yes, but it sure feels sweet from mine today.

More soon...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Down 25lbs in less than 2 months!

Well it's about that time for another progress update. First off I was going to write a conclusion to the My Life posts, but I just can't do it anymore to be honest. I thought some one was real who ended up being the exact opposite and that is that.

On to the good news!

Starting weight- 331 lbs Goal- to lose 91 lbs

Current- 306 lbs

Weight loss- 25 lbs

Still to go- 66 lbs

I'm over a quarter of the way there already and it is only getting easier. The most encouraging part is that my diet has been far from perfect with my personal life currently in shambles. When the diet is perfected this goal should be attainable very quickly. I initially alotted myself 7 months to complete this but I have a feeling that I can get it done sooner. I have all the motivation I'll ever need!!!

Cardio has been upped to at least 30 minutes or 45 minutes on non lift days. I can tell a huge difference from the cardio and it is starting to help me drop weight again. I have a feeling 300 will be broken by next wednesday for sure.

I've been lifting as well but am really just trying to get back in the flow and strengthen my stabilizing muscles while getting back to where I used to be. I got up to 50 lb dumbell curls for 8 reps which is a very promising sign. I can tell a huge difference in the way my clothes are fitting and the way my upper body is getting more sculpted.

In a month or so i will post before pictures and my progress pictures up on the blog. By then I'll be a bit more comfortable with my shirt off.

More soon...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

An inspiration and a promise for 2010

So lets get the real news out of the way first. August 2010 I Rick Griffith will be competing in the 2010 INBF Washington State Natural Bodybuilding Contest. Yes we are a long way from there I know, and I have a whole lot of work to do, but I'm going to win it. Seriously.

I'm not sure which division I will be in at the time of the competition but I'm sure I can be close to the heavyweight/light heavyweight cut off and decide which division I have the best shot in. Possibly the novice men's division would be a good starting point, however I really want to win the men's heavy weight and think I have a shot. Starting German Volume Training again this week so that should kick my ass pretty good.

If you read this blog and enjoy it by the way please leave me a comment at the bottom of the post. I have heard some good things from friends and it is nice to have the support.

Here are last years winners...

Last years winner heavyweight

Light Heavyweight

Novice Men's Heavyweight

Amazing transformation


I recently ran across this link and thought I'd share it with you. This guy is a real inspiration and his progress is remarkable. Losing 210 lbs is absolutely amazing, see his story for yourself.

More on this next week...