My life experiences.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

7 months to a new me

Well as you know if you've been following my blog, I am on a mission over the next 2 years of my life to complete 25 life changing tasks. I have broken them into 4 terms to simplify them and ensure that I actually complete them.

For next 7 months, I have broken down my list to 7 main goals. They are as follows:

  1. Lose 90 lbs and get into excellent shape.
  2. Complete a 5 k Run with a respectable time.
  3. Build my website to a $2,000.00 a month profit margin
  4. Study the Bible, go to church every Sunday and learn about my religion.
  5. Learn to speak Spanish fluently, or enough to hold conversations.
  6. Make 1 lifelong friend.
  7. Donate or raise $500.00 for charity

My future blog posts will cover my progress as well as other adventures and fun facts I'm sure.

So how is the first week going? Well it's only been 3 full days since I turned 23, but I have made some major steps in the right direction. I have started on my new workout regimen which is going very well, as well as a strict diet and no alcohol policy.

I really don't want to look at all like this.

Here's an example of my workouts so far:

Monday- Chest & Back with 15 min cardio warm up before hand. Cardio is 15 minutes of walking on the treadmill anywhere from 3.2 to 3.8 MPH with an incline of 0-7 to maximize fat loss and minimize muscle loss. I will progress to higher intensity cardio after i lose a bit more weight and start preparing for the 5K.

Dumbbell Bench press- 3 Sets descending reps 55X15, 60X12, 60X8

Dumbbell Incline flyes- 3 sets descending reps 30X15, 35X12, 35X8

Lat-Pull downs (wide grip)- 3 sets descending reps 130X15, 130X12, 140X8

Dumbbell Rows- 3 sets descending reps 60X15, 60X12, 65X8

Tuesday- Shoulders & Cardio. 20 min Cardio, walking on treadmill

Overhead dumbbell shoulder press-3 sets 35X15, 40X12, 45X8

Machine military overhead press (finishing exercise) 1 set 120X13

Wednesday- Bi's, Tri's and cardio- 20 min cardio on treadmill.

Dumbbell Bicep curls- 3 sets 30X15, 35X12, 40X10

Preacher curls machine- 3sets 90X15, 110X12, 120X10

Tricep Push outs(standing overhead)- 3 sets 90X15, 90X12, 100X9

Machine tricep push downs- 3 sets 90X15, 110X12, 130X8

Thursday Leg Day- No cardio

One legged leg press- 3 sets 90X15, 180X12, 230 X 10

Quad extensions- 3 sets 90X15, 110X12, 120 X10

Hamstring Curls- 3 sets 90X15, 120X10, 140X8

Calf Raises- 3 sets 150X15, 170X12, 190X9

So as you can see nothing too fancy here, I'm trying to ease myself back in and avoid injury set backs. The final sets many times I will work to failure, this is why the rep counts change.

If you would like to follow my workout progress or track your own also be sure to visit lots of cool gadgets to track your progress. I personally like the weight loss graph, at least I do when it is going down.

Now this next part I wasn't going to include for the public to see but I decided to anyway because I'm shameless. It is always embarrassing for a big guy to share his weight especially for me. But in order to complete my challenge I figure it will give me a little motivation. So here it goes...

My highest point (aka wanting to kill myself)- 331lbs

Currently- 313lbs

Goal- 240lbs

Total lost- 18lbs Still to go 73lbs

So there it is. If I wasn't 100% confident I will complete this challenge I wouldn't have written that believe me.

As far as the other goals go?

Well I worked at a call center Monday for 7 hours and raised about $900.00 for breast cancer prevention cold calling. I guess I can cross off Number 7 on the list. The website is coming along, albeit very slowly with way too many dumb issues. And I'm looking for that new lifelong friend(no homo) so holler at a player if you see him in the streets.

More updates soon...

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